Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our Mission and Who We are

Success at the Najquitob Village School--the tip of the iceberg.
We are dedicated to helping needy Guatemalans achieve their potential by focusing on education so they can solve their own problems and help their people. This includes emergency and nutritional services necessary for effective learning and self-reliance.


The GUATEMALAN FOUNDATION (GF), previously the Foundation for Indian Development, is a 501(C)(3) non profit corporation managed by volunteers and supported by donations.

The projects are managed by our Regional Directors, native Guatemalans, who are dedicated to helping their own people.

Projects all revolve around EDUCATION which includes building and maintaining schools, providing educational materials, scholarships, and nutritional and emergency services.

Since the effort began in 1967, and the Foundation was organized in 1969, thousands of lives have been saved and many tens of thousands aided to get an education and become productive Guatemalans.

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